Support Us

We are a young Oxford-based charity working to grow understanding and use of restorative justice and practice to help us all understand each other better, disagree well and find ways of moving forward after crime and conflict.

We can’t do it without you! Please help us if you can. You can do this by:

Giving us feedback
on things you’d like to see in the community programme we’re developing. We would value your input by filling in this survey: Shaping A Community Programme

Making a donation to help supercharge our community programme. We have a donor who will match what you give us 1:1 up to £500: Make A Donation

Joining our mailing list
and sharing what we do with others, including on social media: Sign up for our email newletters

Joining our trustee board.  We particularly welcome people with lived experience of restorative justice or practice, finance specialists or people with skills and time to help with fundraising: Find out more about becoming a trustee (pdf)


Let us know if you there are other ways that you want to help! We would love to hear your ideas and have your involvement.


We believe that relationships are at the heart of everything.

Your support allows us to:

  • Host events to develop awareness, practice, and research into restorative justice and practice

  • Provide resources and training on what restorative practice means in different settings

  • Work with community partners in Oxford to grow restorative neighbourhoods

  • Partner with others to influence public understanding and national policy on restorative justice and practice.